Le petit prince
I've been postponing some of my readings, but it's funny that I can't help buying books. Usually I start reading and I get bored soon. But this book has the gift of making me want to read it all over and over! First I read a kind of book telling the story mostly with pictures, after I wanted to read from the author itself. After I can talk more about it, now I'm in a hurry...Ultimamente ando adiando umas leituras minhas, maas o engracado eh que nao paro de comprar livros. Geralmente comeco a ler e fico entediada logo. Mas esse livro tema desse post tem o dom de me fazer querer le-lo todo de vez e repetidas vezes! Primeiro li uma versao em quadrinhos, depois quis ler do proprio autor. Depois detalho mais sobre ele, agora tenho pressa...
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